Fragmented Soul Healing

Whether it's big T trauma or little t trauma, our ancestors and each one of us have experienced some level or degree of trauma both in this life and previous lives.   The trauma baked into our DNA by our ancestors and the trauma we experience all have an impact and influence on our souls and day-to-day lives.  Some even theorize that these events cause fractures in our soul, pieces of our spiritual self that become disconnected from the whole.  These fragments or disconnections can manifest as blockages in our lives, repeating undesirable patterns, difficulty in personal or intimate relationships, financial issues, chronic health issues, depression, anxiety, depersonalization, and derealization, etc.

My Fragmented Soul Healing sessions use a multidisciplinary approach to healing these wounds so that clients can transform their lives in positive ways by integrating and healing these fragments and wounds.  What each session contains and how many sessions are needed is dependent on the client's needs.  No two clients' Fragmented Soul Healing journeys will look the same.

Techniques used during these sessions can include:

Altering Akashic Records
(to remove and heal energies and blockages)
Spiritual Soul Retrieval
Past Life Work
Tarot & Oracle Readings
Ancestral Trauma Healing
Religious Trauma Healing

The purpose of this work is not to erase what happened, we can't do that, but rather the purpose is to change the impact and influence these events had on our souls and ultimately how the influences and impacts of these events manifest in our lives.  We can't change the past but we can change the effect it has on our present and future, to remove blockages and other issues caused by the tendrils of past trauma.

These sessions are done through one-on-one 60-minute video calls and some email consultation is required before each session so that it can be tailored directly to the client.  Fair warning, this work does require clients to complete some homework of their own outside of sessions.

How to Book a Session

I offer Fragmented Soul Healing sessions via Zoom call Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday.

Zoom call sessions are done by appointment, subject to availability.

Use the form at the left to contact me to discuss what it is that you would like to address in your session and to schedule.

$135 per 60-minute session

Payment is due at the time of booking and all payments are processed through Cash App or PayPal.